Enhancing Security through Cloud Adoption

Enhanced Security through Cloud Adoption

Migrating and securing applications in the public cloud

The Port of Brisbane is a cornerstone of the Queensland economy, facilitating trade-related growth for Queensland and Australia. It is one of the country’s largest and most diverse multi‑cargo ports, providing critical export and import links to world markets.

The Customer Challenge

Anyone working within a maritime security zone is required to have and display a Maritime Security Identification Card (MSIC). The MSIC is a nationally consistent identification card which is an important part of securing the maritime sector from acts of terrorism and unlawful interference.

As an approved MSIC issuing body, The Port of Brisbane is required to adhere to stringent security standards set forth by the Australian Department of Home Affairs. In 2019 Home Affairs released a raft of changes to the national system. These changes included security features designed to make the cards easier to verify and harder to replicate, better protecting a card holder’s identity.

Implementing these changes on the existing on-premise system presented a significant challenge, so the Port of Brisbane team came to us for an alternative solution.

The Solution

We worked closely with Port of Brisbane’s internal IT team to plan, design, and deploy an Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud solution which conforms to the Australian Cyber Security Centre’s Essential Eight maturity level 4 – the highest possible level of security.

The solution is scalable and resilient, providing assurances to the Port of Brisbane that the system will provide uninterrupted service while being fully compliant with Home Affairs requirements. Moving to a cloud-based system also allows for easier adoption of any future changes.


Amazon Aurora PostGres


AWS Database Migration Services (DMS)


AWS Lambda


Amazon API Gateway


AWS Guard Duty




AWS Cloudwatch